Omnigaze is the activity during which the attendees would share the action of looking at the same point in the sky at the same moment.

The 14th omnigaze will take place on
25th August 2024 at 12:00 GMT in



People can take part in omnigaze from different geographical locations around the world.

Point of shared gaze

The direction of the shared gaze is chosen by the organizer of omnigaze and is made available to the attendees via instructions and use of a special device for directing their gaze.

Moment of omnigaze

Omnigaze happens once per year. The exact date and time is communicated to the attendees on this website, other online platforms and a mailing list two weeks in advance.
This date would most likely be during the month of August.
The last omnigaze took place on 21-8-2022 at 12:00hr GMT.

Omnigaze device

To make it possible for the omnigaze attendees to look at the shared point of gaze, they are provided with a device that can direct their gaze based on their location on earth, the visible horizon and the position of the sun. This device is called omnigaze device and can be made out of a A4 pater print.

Screenshot of omnigaze device (version 2) instructions video