On Sunday the 21st of August at 12:00 GMT the 12th omnigaze took place.
The 12th omingaze was organised from SOMALGORS74 in Tschlin Switzerland.
Announcement for a gathering to perform the omnigaze in Tschlin reads (in Romansh):
Omnigaze es ün’acziun da Joubin Zargarbashi. Tuot las partecipantas e’ls partecipants contaimplan il medem punct vi dal tschêl al medem mumaint.
Per far quai as dovra la posiziun dal sulai e l’oget omnigaze agunt.
Di e ora:
Dumengia 21 Avuost allas 14:00
Lö dad inschcunter:
Café spontan allas 13:30